There are different types of Ethics such as personal, professional, business, political, and environmental. The topic given draw to Professional Ethics, it concerns one's conduct of behavior and practice when carrying out professional work. Such work may include consulting, researching, managing, teaching, and writing. Apart from codes of ethics, professional ethics also concerns matters such as professional indemnity. They vary by cultural group, by profession and by discipline. The traditional meaning is one of the most interesting, as well as controversial, since it challenges the assumption that universal ethical principles exist. In some cultures, certain behaviors are certainly frowned upon, but in other cultures the opposite may be true.

As we begin the new millennium, the pursuit of employees with good work ethics seems more critical than ever before. One question frequently asked on interviews today, targeted to determine the level of an individual's work ethics is - "How do you feel about working overtime?". The IT based company required for talented employees to work in a fast-paced and demanding environment. Overtime, a word that may conjure up feelings of despair for many, is a word that is a way of life for others today. Gone are the days of the "9 to 5" job in any technology driven company. Today the company environment is  working for 24 hours per day, in 7 days per week seems to be the mindset at Internet companies because during our sleep times others workers cross the ocean is running fast. So it means new cultures in work ethics is we are willing to work overtime when the company needs you to be there for them. Work ethics translates into an attitude about work. Having good work ethics means you value the opportunity to work. It is an attitude. Remember there are millions of people who would give anything to have what we possess today - employment. Good work ethics means pride in our work. Employment is a treasure we never want to lose.


‘Ethics’. According to Merriam Webster`s Collegiate Dictionary; ethics is  a set of moral principles or values; a theory or system of moral value  the present day, the principles of conduct governing an individual group. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defined ethics as a set of principles of right conduct, a theory or a system of moral values. The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy. Ethics are about making choices that may not always feel good or seem like they benefit you but are the 'right' choices to make.  They are the choices that are examples of 'model citizen' and are the examples of 'golden rules' like; don't hurt, don't steal, don't be dishonest, don't lie. But if we take Ethics as a subjective philosophy then what will happen to these golden rules. Especially at the time of facing any ethical dilemma how one should decide; what is ethical and what's unethical? Organization provides rules, regulations, code of conduct, protocols which provide guidelines to work, it shows how to walk, but it does not show the correct path to walk on. Ethical dilemmas faced by managers are often more real to life and highly complex with no clear guidelines, whether in law or often in religion.

Ethics is the part of philosophy that talks about good and evil but today rarely any business school would have left which does not provide lessons on Ethics Management. Some philosophers call ethics the "science of morality", morality is what someone thinks or feels is good or bad. However, other philosophers believe that ethics is subjective. This means that they think what is right for me is whatever I say is right. This means that ethics is just a person's own morality. These philosophers do not think that ethics is the same for all people.

So what is work ethics?. Work ethic is a set of values based on the moral virtues of hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. A work ethic may include being reliable, having initiative or maintaining social skills.

The Important Of Ethics in Achieving The Organization Objective

Almost everyday our local newspaper had published ethical crises such corruptions, fraud and misuse of company properties or services. Currently we seen our political actors from UMNO had been court by ACA due to money politics. This is totally involved company staff which the company has paid for. For those of us without power and influence, ethically taking care of company assets or anything else may be a non-issue. We show up for work, do our job, and go home without engaging in any high finance or legal maneuvers. Little did we know, during your seemingly routine day, you had hundreds or even thousands of dollars of assets under your control. With all the stuff that passes you by each day at work, you probably never think about it in terms of assets and your responsibility. The assets such as company car, computers, and maintain equipment (our tasks). All these are examples of assets. Some are physical and some are intangible, such as company secrets, trademarks, and confidential information. Every employee from the janitor to the executive controls some kind of asset every time he or she shows up for work.

Most people don't give company assets a second thought until they are lost, stolen or broken. Here in lies the problem. Employees must understand that ethical behavior is demonstrated not only in how they act toward others but also in how they treat property that doesn't belong to them. The key to success understands who owns what and what boundaries exist for its use.

The most important here is, all the assets is prepared for to achieve the company objective, to gain profits, to fulfill the customers requirements and to make staff job become easy and easier. Than, the assets is are staff responsibilities to maintain, to service, to use according the manual and to secure it. If the company assets did not taking care properly and misuse by staff (unethical); the company will not achieving their objectives.

Why Ethics Become ‘Defacto’ Toward Organization Success

Ethics enables us to set out the ideals and responsibilities of the profession, exert a de facto regulatory effect, protecting both clients and professionals, improve the profile of the profession, motivate and inspire practitioners, by attempting to define their underlying principle. Provide guidance on acceptable conduct; raise awareness and consciousness of issues and improve quality and consistency. On the other hand, we must also consider; whether the so-called standards are obligatory, or are merely an aspiration., whether such a code is desirable or feasible, whether ethical values are universal or culturally relativistic The difficulty of providing universal guidance given the heterogeneous nature of the profession What the point is of specifying responsibilities, given the limited regulatory function of a code.

What and How Ethics Works?

Work ethics include not only how one feels about their job, career or vocation, but also how one does his/her job or responsibilities. This involves attitude, behavior, respect, communication, and interaction; how one gets along with others. Work ethics demonstrate many things about whom and how a person is.  Work ethics involve such characteristics as honesty and accountability. Essentially, work ethics break down to what one does or would do in a particular situation. The begging question in a situation involves what is right and acceptable, and above board, versus what is wrong, underhanded, and under the table. Throughout the last few years, there have been companies whose work ethic honesty, integrity and accountability have been rather shady and have a rather negative impact on other people. This has involved people looking the other way when people have done something questionable, or thinking it would not matter.  Work ethics, such as honesty (not lying, cheating, and stealing), doing a job well, valuing what one does, having a sense of purpose and feeling/being a part of a greater vision or plan is vital. Philosophically, if one does not have proper work ethics, a person’s conscience may be bothered. People for the most part have good work ethics; we should not only want to do, but desire to do the proper thing in a given situation. Work ethics are intrinsic; they come from within. A question may involve where they came from, if they come from within. Philosophically, this may lead to various perspectives. Work ethics come from God the creator. God made humans in His image, and His word proclaims ......

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