Our Nation Moving Forward but We are Stagnant, Backward or Too Slow

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vision 2020 had shocked international society especially Malaysian. 70% of them either Malaysian or outsider, clearly not confidence with Dr Mahathir visions. Some of them saying that Vision 2020 is too ambitious, worst dreaming and political rhetoric. And again, Dr Mahathir has to stand alone to prove his vision right for our nation. It take more than 10 year to prove to the world that, MALAYSIA BOLEH. Currently, the whole world notified the location of small land, MALAYSIA by searching the world tallest twin tower, the most systematic and convenient airport, the brilliant highway, the memorable capital Kuala Lumpur and you name it.Our capital, Kuala Lumpur rapidly develops with latest transportation facilities. Our grand grand grandfather never dreams off. Even our colonial only afford to built-up a tiny roads. the characteristics of modernistic at every inch of our lovely land. Nows, we are very forward, beyond dreams.But, sadly to witness the contradict of move between the nation and the society. Malaysians pour into three categories, firstly stagnant, secondly backward and thirdly moving too slow. The nation had developed well but our attitudes, style of life, habit is still behind time. We had thrown rubbish freely, do not respect public facilities, getting mad for nothing, do not appreciates enough, monkeyly driver, piss without culture, and become ineffective workers. The worst thing is backward.I would like to begged to Malaysian, let go, change our mind set, bad attitudes, full respect to the old, help each other, become intelligent driver, and love our country, MALAYSIA..


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